Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tipton Gun Cleaning Supplies Jag/Brush Set

Tipton Gun Cleaning Supplies Jag/Brush Set

Tipton Gun Cleaning Supplies Jag/Brush Set

26-piece set gives you the ultimate storage system for your brushes and jags . Neatly organized in a durable, hinged box with marked cavities, it's easy to select the correct jag and brush for your particular application. Because they are caliber-specific, you can be assured of an optimum fit to your firearm's bore for efficient and thorough cleaning. 17 to 45 caliber. All jags and brushes have 8-32 threads (.17 and 20 caliber have 5-40 threads) . Mfg: Tipton Gun Cleaning Supplies Read more

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1 comment:

  1. PPE Personal Protective Equipment : PAPR or N95 Respirator. If a NIOSH-certified PAPR and a NIOSH-certified fit-tested disposable N95 respirator is used in facility protocols, ensure compliance with all elements of the OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard, 29 CFR 1910.134, including fit testing, medical evaluation, and training of the healthcare worker. 
